

1. Priorities:

         - Clothes and fashion
         - Social networks
         - Competing in sport events
         - Video games
         - Doing something creative
         - Helping around the house
         - Having time for yourself
         - Getting enough sleep
         - Staying out late in the weekend

2. Extreme adjectives:

        - Awful: horrible
        - Terrified: aterrit
        - Essential: essencial
        - Tiny: minúscul
        - Exhausted: rebentat
        - Incredible: increible
        - Enormus: gegant

3. Others:


1. Should/Shouldn't:

        a. It's used to express advice
          You shoud start a new diet
          (Tu hauries de començar una nova dieta)

        b. All persons are SHOULD
            I, you, she, he ,it ,we ,you ,they
        c. After SHOULD always infinitive of the verb, 
           without TO
           The students should TO study for the exam.
           (Els estudiants haurien d'estudiar per l'examen)
        d. NEGATIVE form:
           You shouldn't be so selfish
           (Tu no hauries de ser tant egoista)

         e. QUESTIONS:
           Should the teachers answer all students doubts?  
           (haurien els professors de respondre tots els dubtes dels estudiants?)

2. Must/Mustn'n:

      a. MUST: we use UST to express:
             - What we think is necessary to do
             - Obligation
             - Strong recomendations
         I  must start studying more
        (He de començar a estudiar més)

      b. MUSTN'T We use MUSN'T to express:
              - What we think is necessary not to do
              - Prohibition
              - Strong advice against something
        You mustn't forget to buy her a present
        ( No has d'oblidar comprar-li un regal)
        Tell them thet they musn't be late tomorrow
        (diga'ls que no han d'arribar tard demà)

3. Have to/Haven't to:

       a. HAVE TO andMUST mean more o less the same:
           You have to answer all quastions
            (Has de respondre totes les preguntes)
           She has to wear uniform
            (Ella ha de dur uniforme)
       b. MUSNTN'T and DON'T HAVE TO different !!!
            Elsa mustn't use the mobile phone
             (Elsa no ha d'utilitzar el mòbil)
            Elsa doesn't have to use the mobile phone
             (No cal que l'Elsa faci servir el mòbil) 
        c. QUESTIONS
            DO/DOES as normal present simple tense
            DO you have to finish the exam before 10 am?
            Does Sara have to stop in tghe front of the door?

4. Be allowed to:

        a. to express if you have permission to do something
           I'm allowed toenter to this disco
          Sara's allowed to wear shorts at school
        b. Negative: 'm not/isn't/aren't allowed to
        c. QUESTIONS: To be + Subject + allowed to + verb
           Is Sara allowed to wear shorts at school?



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